Access top-quality articles, researches and analyses on a wide range of popular topics related to retirement, contributed by our Premier Sponsors.

The latest issue (Jun 2024) includes:

Wherever You Choose to Retire, Saving Early and Planning Well are Essential 
(by AIA)

Circular economy: turning waste into value
(by Allianz Global Investors)

Why India: A favourable macro environment
(by First Sentier Investors)

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The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) was established in 1996 to lead and promote sustainable and better retirement outcomes through the following via the HKRSA and platforms:

Empower – We empower employees through employers with retirement planning and tools.

Advocate – We advocate key retirement issues, retirement income and look for value creation

Share – We share and facilitate retirement information and knowledge

Our Premier Sponsors

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