

27 Sep
The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) Annual Banking Conference 2024
2024年9月27日 上午9時至下午5時正
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

HKRSA is pleased to support the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) Annual Banking Conference 2024, which will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday, September 27th, 2024. With the theme of “The Next Wave: Unlocking Potential, Fostering Success”. As the supporting organization of the event, HKRSA members are welcome to participate at the member rate as below mentioned to attend the conference. Please indicate on the registration form that you are a member of ...
10 Sep
HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition 2024 on 10 Sep 2024
2024年9月10日 上午9:00至下午5:00

KRSA are pleased to support the upcoming HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition 2024, (“Conference”)! With the theme of “Transformative HR: Strategic Pioneer for Future Workforce”, the Conference will delve into the transformative role of HR in shaping the workforce of the future. We cordially invite you to seize this opportunity to connect with leading HR professionals and stay up to date with the best HR practices. For more details about the Conference, please view here. Event Det...
15 Aug
網上講座: 中國私人養老金市場為資產和財富管理公司帶來什麼機遇?
2024年8月15日 上午10:30至11:30

26 Jul
退優. “精明理財”工作坊『如何“躺平地”優化退休組合』
2024年7月26日 下午5時至6時

平日努力返工或想退休無憂嘅你會唔會有以下問題: 退休好遙遠? 無時間又唔知點打理投資組合? 近排個港股上吓又落吓,強積金投資愈跌愈有唔知點算? 歡迎大家嚟參加我哋與「華夏基金(香港)」合辦嘅「如何 “躺平地”優化退休組合工作坊」,主講嘉賓會從兩個角度“收費”及“回報”去協助大家重整旗鼓,現場仲有精美禮品等你嚟攞!
18 Jul
網上講座: 投資運籌帷幄 駕馭局勢動向
2024年7月18日 上午11:00至中午12:00

亞太區投資者一向習慣持有一定現金,而隨著過去幾年利率不斷上升,定期存款和貨幣市場基金備受更多投資者歡迎。在市場憧憬聯儲局政策轉向的預期下,投資者會否發掘其他投資選擇,以捕捉下一階段的增長機遇,或正在調整預期,接受較低的投資回報? 富達國際最新調查深入研究六個亞太區市場的投資者風險偏好、回報期望,以及探討其行為與想法是否一致。 立即報名網上研討會,富達專家將為您深入淺出分析市場走勢,捉緊先機。
24 Jun
HKIFA 17th Annual Conference on 24 June 2024

HKIFA 17th Annual Conference – enroll now Monday, June 24th, 2024 JW Marriott Hong Kong You are cordially invited to enroll into the HKIFA 17th Annual Conference, which will be held at JW Marriott Hong Kong on Monday, June 24th, 2024. With the theme “Em--”, the HKIFA Annual conference 2024 is a conference by all and for all. All participants of the financial services industry are welcome to provide words that start with “Em - -” (e.g., embrace, empower, etc.) that indicate your thoughts...