

31 May
2023年5月31日 下午1時至2時

人口老齡化已成為全球普遍現象,對人們生活各方面、尤其是退休保障帶來深遠影響。鑒於香港是全球預期壽命最長的地方之一,大部分人退休後還要生活超過 20 年。 若然沒有適切的退休保障規劃,很可能要面對「長壽風險」—— 即耗盡我們的退休儲備。 歡迎參加由香港退休計劃協會及友邦香港聯合舉辦的網上講座,屆時退休規劃專家將會探討新常態下「長壽風險」這新趨勢,以及我們應如何作出改善,從而減輕「長壽風險」,達致更理想的退休生活。
02 May

香港退休計劃協會 – 投資理財教育性節目第二系列: 「退休投資多面體2023」 「香港退休計劃協會」的宗旨致力向香港市民倡導和推動更好及可持續的退休解決方案,為了進一步提升香港市民對退休計劃之認識,去年我們推出一系列四集短片名為「退休投資多面體」。因為反應熱烈,今年捲土重來製作第二系列,仍然有四集短片,每一集誠意邀請了業界的專業人士,就着四個新的話題探討不同的退休投資方案,藉此希望各位對不同的投資計劃方案有更深之認識,務求幫助各位於人生任何階段中,都可以對未來退休有所計劃。新一系列「退休投資多面體之二」內容更加精彩, 請各位緊貼播出時間,萬勿錯過!
26 Apr
Opportunities and Challenges for Asset Managers after China’s Policy Reversals and Developed Market Slowdowns
2023年4月26日 上午10時至11時正

Our expectations for China’s growth in 2023 is based on two overarching factors: the reversal of significant policies, such as zero COVID and the real estate crackdown, as well as the expectation for broadening economic stimulus. A critical component of our expectation for additional stimulus is that it will be focused on consumption, rather than investment. While this differentiation will be a key determinant in asset performance, it is unlikely to be enough to avert recession in some of the mo...
23 Mar
Way forward for Hongkongers with expected monthly retirement income just one third of current level
2023年3月23日 下午4時半至6時

The ageing population is a global megatrend that cannot be ignored. By 2030 one in six people globally will be 60+, and 60% of 65+ are expected to be in Asia. This fireside chat brings together retirement experts from industry and academia to discuss diverse demographic challenges across Asia, zooming into the retirement savings gap in Hong Kong, as well as the implications of the evolving family structure and gender differences have on retirement planning. The seminar will also highlight the op...
28 Feb
2023年2月28日 上午11:00至中午12:00

23 Feb
The Greater Bay Area – A destination for Hong Kong retirees?
2023年2月23日 下午2時半至4時半

The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) releases a research paper with the theme “The Greater Bay Area – A destination for Hong Kong retirees”. The paper outlines the role played by the Greater Bay Area (GBA) in retirement schemes and addresses six key recommendations to accelerate the transformation of the GBA towards an ideal retirement destination for Hong Kong citizens. Come join our seminar and hear from the HKRSA GBA Taskforce on the research findings as well as other ...