

10 Jan
HKRSA supports Asian Financial Forum 2022
2022年1月10及11日 上午9:00-下午9:00
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Our Association supports the Asian Financial Forum 2022 - "Navigating the Next Normal Towards a Sustainable Future". It will be held in a hybrid format on 10 & 11 January 2022. The main conference sessions on Day 1 will be held physically at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, with access online from around the world throughout the 2 event days. Against the backdrop of a gradual global economic recovery, the upcoming 15th edition of AFF will discuss key issues reshaping th...
28 Dec
香港退休計劃協會 支持 投委會舉辦 投資者及理財教育獎2021

本協會支持 投委會舉辦 投資者及理財教育獎2021- 現正接受報名, 截止申請日期為2021年12月28 歡迎公司及機構以在2020年7月1日至2021年9月30日期間,為在香港的員工﹑客戶或其他群組提供的投資者及理財教育項目提交申請。
21 Dec
HKRSA supports HKiHRM Job Creation Scheme 2.0

由香港人力資源管理學會與公務員事務局合作,「HKIHRM Job Creation Scheme 2.0」 是香港特別行政區政府「防疫抗疫基金」創造職位計劃下的其中一項資助計劃。該計 劃旨在於疫情期間,為私人市場創造 1,000 個不同技能和學歷的有時限職位。 計劃重點如下: ·資助每個合資格職位每月上限港幣 10,000 元,或實際基本工資的 50%(以較低金 額為準) 。 ·資助期最長為連續 12 個月或至 2023 年 1 月 31 日為止 (以較早者為準)。 ·截止申請日期為 2022 年 3 月 31。在此日期前,若 1,000 個職位名額已滿,或撥款 已用罄,申請期將會相應提前結束。 欲申請參與計劃的僱主現在可於計劃的網站瀏覽詳情和下載申請表格。 如有任可疑問,歡迎透過電郵或電話與我們聯絡。 電話號碼: 2837 3826 / 2837 3819 (一般查詢) 2837 3869 / 2837 3868 (申請程序)
14 Dec
HKRSA Christmas Luncheon 2021
2021年12 月14日 中午12:00-下午2:30
Harcourt Suite, 1/F The Hong Kong Club, 1 Jackson Road Central

Please mark your calendar and RSVP to events@hkrsa.org.hk for our upcoming Christmas Luncheon on 14 December 2019 at 12:30pm with guest speaker Mr.Yan Chee CHENG ( Acting Managing Director, MPFA) Join us to celebrate this special time of year!
14 Dec
HKRSA Christmas Luncheon 2021 Highlights

The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Christmas Luncheon 2021 took place on December 14 at The Hong Kong Club. We were honored to have many sponsors, members, and special guests who attended and celebrated the Christmas Party with us. And had a happy seasonal greeting and a good time for networking indeed!
09 Dec
What's in place for the US market in 2022?
2021年12月9日 上午10:30至11:30分

When we invest, we tend to invest in local markets only because of home bias. But diversification is key when it comes to investing. “Don’t put your eggs in one basket” might be a cliché but it is actually true. Among global markets, we have seen strong rebound in the US post-COVID. Economic data and corporate balance sheets are strong. We remain positive on US market outlook and sustainable growth potential. COVID-19 pandemic has lasting and dramatic effect on the economy and consumer habits...