

30 Jul
2021年7月30日 10:00am-11:00am

自從2008年金融海嘯以來,加上近期疫情影響,世界各國央行史無前例的貨幣刺激措施已將全球利率拉低至歷史低位。今年6月,香港和美國的政策利率已分別降至0.5%1 和0.25%1,而歐元區的利率為零,更有國家出現負利率的情況。銀行方面,現時香港12個月定期及儲蓄存款利率平均為0.08%2。但今年香港通脹率預期將升至1.5%1,而過去5年香港通脹率平均為2.1%3。通脹的影響以及低息的環境為退休人士帶來巨大的挑戰。誠邀您參加本次網絡研討會,了解當前的經濟環境,並探索在長期低息環境中該如何部署您的退休投資策略。 (資料來源: 彭博, 香港金融管理局, 強制性公積金計劃管理局; 1數據截至2021年6月10日; 2數據截至2021年5月; 3數據截至2020年3月31日)
17 Jul
HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第五集
2021年7月17日 上午10:35至10:50分

HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第五集 The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) has been invited by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to participate in their weekly programme“投資新世代” (Investment Era) with an aim to raise public awareness about pre- and post- retirement planning and promote financial literacy in Hong Kong. As the supporting organization of this initiative, HKRSA will invite guest speakers with different financial expertise to join the programme and provide ...
10 Jul
HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第四集
2021年7月10日 上午10:35至10:50分

HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第四集 The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) has been invited by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to participate in their weekly programme“投資新世代” (Investment Era) with an aim to raise public awareness about pre- and post- retirement planning and promote financial literacy in Hong Kong. As the supporting organization of this initiative, HKRSA will invite guest speakers with different financial expertise to join the programme and provide ...
06 Jul
網絡研討會: 中等收入人士退休準備調查報告
2021年7月6日 上午11:00-中午12:00

最新退休調查報告 中等收入能否退而不憂? 營營役役大半生,為的都是退休後可安享晚年。然而,香港生活指數高企,難免令人對退休生活的質素感到憂慮。事實上,香港政府於2017年為市民的退休保障制度制定了整體發展方向,例如中低收入人士可透過社會保障制度享有退休入息保障,而高收入人士則可透過個人投資儲蓄及各項鼓勵性計劃來保障退休生活。不過,收入落在以上兩者之間的中等收入人士,一般未能通過入息及資產審查,因而未能申領社會保障津貼,同時又未必擁有足夠的投資及儲蓄來維持退休生活質素,有見及此,我們聯同明愛專上學院及香港大學秀圃老年研究中心,進行了詳細的研究以尋求為此階層人士提供實用的建議。
03 Jul
HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第三集
2021年7月3日 上午10:35至10:50分

HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第三集 The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) has been invited by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to participate in their weekly programme“投資新世代” (Investment Era) with an aim to raise public awareness about pre- and post- retirement planning and promote financial literacy in Hong Kong. As the supporting organization of this initiative, HKRSA will invite guest speakers with different financial expertise to join the programme and provide ...
26 Jun
HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第二集
2021年6月26日 上午10:35至10:50分

HKRSA x RTHK 投資新世代 Investment Era - 第二集 The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) has been invited by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to participate in their weekly programme“投資新世代” (Investment Era) with an aim to raise public awareness about pre- and post- retirement planning and promote financial literacy in Hong Kong. As the supporting organization of this initiative, HKRSA will invite guest speakers with different financial expertise to join the programme and provide ...