Message From Chairman

Original language only

Janet Li

Chairman of the Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (2024-2025)

I am extremely honored to serve again as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association (HKRSA) Executive Committee. Am deeply passionate about contributing to the continual enhancement of Hong Kong's retirement protection and system. As Hong Kong grapples with challenges such as elder poverty, healthcare accessibility, intergenerational support, rapidly aging population as well as the unique challenges faced by our city, the HKRSA has a crucial role to play in advocating for policies and initiatives that enhance the overall quality of life for our retirees.

From the voluntary Occupational Retirement Schemes (ORSO schemes) to the introduction of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), and further to the implementation of eMPF, we witnessed the remarkable advancements and complexities that have shaped our pension and retirement systems. It is clear that Hong Kong must stay vigilant and proactive in addressing the diverse needs of our retirees and soon-to-be retirees, especially when there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

The launch of RetireHK in 2021 was a deliberate step to up our game in casting a wider net and reach to the general public in Hong Kong. Keeping abreast with the life-style change of “one-hour living circle” in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), we advocate for enhancements and coverage cross-border for better living quality. The innovative and digitalised medium to promote retirement education has increased awareness and engagement. By bringing together industry experts, policymakers, and key stakeholders, we collectively identify innovative solutions that bolster the resilience and effectiveness of Hong Kong's retirement framework. This may include exploring opportunities to expand investment options, improve portability, and provide more comprehensive financial education to scheme members.

All of these won’t be achievable without our predecessors and contributors to the HKRSA. Through our past and future collective efforts, I am confident that we can build a retirement protection system that truly serves the best interests of our citizens and sets a shining example for the rest of the world.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to the journey ahead.