CIO SERIES: What role can technology play in the management of Pension assets? (Members only)

As part of the HKRSA CIO series, our next session will be held with Vinod Chandrashekaran, CIO of Quantitative Equity at American Century Investments who is visiting Asia in late August. Vinod manages USD15 billion of AUM and 50% of this is pension assets. Vinod will draw on his experience with pension assets over the past 15 years to contrast the traditional role of technology in managing pension assets with the evolving role of big data, AI and machine learning which is transforming the industry as we know it.

The problem of saving for retirement is one of the most complicated problems an investor will face, with many different choices of instruments to transfer wealth from today to the future, different consumption patterns over the life-cycle and therefore varying needs for the attributes of investments at each stage of the lifecycle. The mathematical problem is not easy to solve, but advances in technology, data will enable more complete solutions to this challenging problem. Hope you can join us to obtain insights from one of the top CIOs in this industry.

Registration: Here  
Mr Vinod Chandrashekaran
CIO of Quantitative Equity at American Century Investments
31 August 2018
8:45am -10:30am
RBC Office, 15/F Cheung Kong Centre Central, Hong Kong
(includes light breakfast & refreshments)
- Payments are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled by the HKRSA.
- The full amount will be charged for registration and NON-ATTENDANCE unless written cancellation is received before: 22 August 2018