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17 Aug
RetireHK -- LiveWell ‘Cooking Inspiration’ Series: Quiche Lorraine Cooking Workshop
17 August 2024 (Saturday) 2:00 - 5:00pm

法式鹹批(Quiche Lorraine)最早起源於12世紀,由培根、奶油、蛋液和芝士組成,喺當時貴族嘅經典美食。今次優活〝煮意〞系列將重現呢款高貴美食並加入改良元素,由『煤氣烹飪中心』專業導師Carol Chan 教授大家製作改良版的Quiche Lorraine,使用香脆批底取代傳統的牛油餅底,使整個鹹批更加輕盈和美味!再搭配番茄凍湯呢一道夏季湯品,帶來清涼口感之餘,亦能體驗專屬於法式嘅獨特風味。 Carol導師對法式糕點製作充滿熱誠,2009年在法國首屈一指的廚藝學院修畢「大師班證書」課程。當中由Carol改良創作的「西瓜蛋糕」更令很多甜點達人一試傾心!
15 Aug
Webinar: Unlocking the potential of China's private pension market for asset and wealth managers
15 Auguest 2024 10:30am-11:30am

By 2035, an estimated 400 million people in China will be aged 60 and over, representing 30% of the population, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics. Organizations are keen to stay ahead and work with governments and regulators to determine what solutions could be put in place to support this rapidly aging population. The webinar will explore the potential of China's third pillar private pension market, and highlight the opportunities for asset and wealth managers to contribute to ...
26 Jul
RetireHK -- Wealth ‘Financial Talk’ : How to Optimise Retirement Portfolios by “Lying Flat”
26 Jul 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm

平日努力返工或想退休無憂嘅你會唔會有以下問題: 退休好遙遠? 無時間又唔知點打理投資組合? 近排個港股上吓又落吓,強積金投資愈跌愈有唔知點算? 歡迎大家嚟參加我哋與「華夏基金(香港)」合辦嘅「如何 “躺平地”優化退休組合工作坊」,主講嘉賓會從兩個角度“收費”及“回報”去協助大家重整旗鼓,現場仲有精美禮品等你嚟攞!
18 Jul
Webinar: Seize the pivotal moments
18 Jul 2024 11:00am-12:00noon

Sitting on cash has always been common amongst investors in Asia Pacific, and with interest rates persistently rising over the past years, even more investors have been incentivised to leverage term deposits and money market funds for income. Amidst much anticipation for a Fed pivot, are investors considering other investment options to capture the next phase of growth? Or are they adjusting their expectations and settling for lower investment returns? Fidelity International's latest study de...
24 Jun
HKIFA 17th Annual Conference on 24 June 2024
24 June 2024

HKIFA 17th Annual Conference – enroll now Monday, June 24th, 2024 JW Marriott Hong Kong You are cordially invited to enroll into the HKIFA 17th Annual Conference, which will be held at JW Marriott Hong Kong on Monday, June 24th, 2024. With the theme “Em--”, the HKIFA Annual conference 2024 is a conference by all and for all. All participants of the financial services industry are welcome to provide words that start with “Em - -” (e.g., embrace, empower, etc.) that indicate your thoughts...
13 Jun
2024 Annual Dinner - New Horizon Gala
13 June 2024 6:30pm - 10:00pm
Concord Room, 8/F, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong