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26 May
eMPF 2.0
26 May 2022 10:30am-12:00noon

Stakeholders Consultation Exercise In order to perfect the design of the front-end portal, which is an essential component of the eMPF Platform, the MPFA is now conducting an extensive Stakeholders Consultation Exercise (SCE) until mid-2022 with a view to reaching out to key stakeholder groups along the MPF value chain to gauge their views and comments on the portal design so that the eMPF Platform can cater for the needs of different users. In the SCE, participants will be shown the eMPF Platf...
19 May
The HKRSA supports EFHKxIFEC Webinar: "Are You Ready for Retirement?"
19 May 2022 4:00-5:30pm

“Are You Ready for Retirement?” Webinar – EFHK x IFEC Retirement is a common financial goal among working adults. However, are you or your employees financially prepared for it? Co-organised by the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong and Investor and Financial Education Council, the “Are You Ready for Retirement?” Webinar aims to help employers identify the financial challenges that employees face and provide practical steps to facilitate employees to plan ahead for their retirement and manage...
12 May
Innovation in Member Engagement
12 May 2022 11:00am-12:00 noon

In a post-pandemic era where digital experience is the new normal, the pandemic has accelerated innovation and facilitated transformation. In the journey of retirement planning, what changes in expectation and habits of MPF and ORSO members as they manage their accounts? How can the industry enhance engagement with members so as to raise their awareness for managing their own pension? What can be done to better prepare the industry for the eMPF platform? In this webinar, you will hear from our g...
11 Apr
Sustainable Investment in Pension
11 April 2022 3:00 - 4:00pm

Over 2021, Headlines relating to Environmental, Social and Governance (E,S and G) topics comes a close second to headlines relating to the pandemic. So now into 2022, are asset owners any wiser on their approach to ESG integration, sustainability investing, their role in the climate transition journey and so on? What additional resources are asset owners and asset managers are putting in place to meet the new demands? Please attend the webinar and hear from the panelists and raise your questions...
01 Mar
The HKRSA supports IFEC - Money Month 2022 - Invest in Yourself
1-31 March 2022

With more than two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and households alike are finding ways to adapt to the new normal, and this presents a good opportunity to relook at how we can improve our overall well-being, and in particular our financial wellness. We would like to use the theme “Invest in Yourself” to encourage the public to take action to gain new skills and knowledge, cultivate good investment and money management habits, and start planning for their financial goals. For mor...
24 Feb
Quality Investing during inflationary times
24 February 2022 4-5pm

Concerns around inflation have dominated investor conversations across the globe throughout 2021. The initial consensus that the price increases would be “transitory” – used with particular emphasis by the Federal Reserve – has worn thin in the face of a pronounced energy crisis, labour shortages and supply chain bottlenecks. In addition, COVID distortions have made it extremely difficult to accurately predict the level of inflation we can expect from here. We all understand very well ho...